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  • Writer's pictureRose Parsons

Meet our animals at the retreat

Will and I LOVE animals of all kinds and our retreat is a busy place with our farm animals and pets. Our visitors love feeding our small herd of alpacas. We have five girls and three boys. They are due to have cria or baby alpaca in the summer.

Family time feeding our alpaca

Our alpaca will be having babies in the summer

Our new arrivals are Ginger and Grunter our friendly and greedy Kune Kune pigs. They love people and will wander over to our neighbours if they feel they are not getting enough attention.

Ginger asleep in his trough

We have our own free range hens, they free range around our property eating bugs and cultivating the garden. The eggs are delicious in our baking.

Our free range hens provide eggs fro our cakes and muffins

Children love to collect the eggs from the hen house

Both Will and I are from sheep farms so we like to run a few sheep for old times sake. Our ewes are due to have lambs in October.

Our sheep will he having lambs soon!

We have four very tame cows who were bucket reared as calves. They keep the long grass down around the wetland. They are sort of walking lawn mowers

Our quiet cattle will also be having calves in the Spring.

If you want to stay at our farm stay retreat and meet our animals you can click here to find out more

You can also book a demonstration by an award winning dog trailist. Trevor will show you how he trains his dogs to work sheep and how he breeds the best working dogs in the province. To find out more about this click here to read about the activites you can do when you stay with us.

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